Master changemanagement

How much time does a manager spend controlling the daily business? How much time on organizational changes? More importantly how successful are change projects? Research says that 70% is non-successful. Time for a change!

What are succesfactors for an organizational change? What approach can be used and how does a plan looks like?

Master changemanagement

master changemanagement

1. Current situation

Every changes starts with a clear understanding of the current situation. Why do we need to change? What is the often called ‘sense of urgency’?

2. Engage

Who is involved? Survey indicates that engagement is a key succesfactor. Not only top-management involvement, all employees should be involved and engaged. Engaged is needed during the start and execution of a change.

3. Team

A change needs to be controlled and managed by a strong and capable team.

4. Ambition

An ambition has to be appealing in order to attract and engage as much employees and managers. The ambition or goal can be defined in abstract terms (ER, like quicker, faster, etc)

5. Plan

Based on the ambition and current situation there is a gap that needs to be bridged. This will be done through (small or big) projects. The plan consists of these projects and interventions.

6. Realize success

About each running project needs to be communicated. When finished a special moment has to be created: celebrate the success! This will give the employees confidence to start the next project.

7. Continuous improvement

By doing so there is new way of working created, called “continuous improvement’ an you’re a true master change management.