Value Added Logistics examples

A logistics service provider needs to compete on cost. But that approach can not be implemented indefinitely. It is a form of plunder. A better strategy is providing Value Added Logistics ( VAL ), and create a stronger relationship with your customers, But there should be time and money to create these Value Added Logistics

First we mention some examples of VAL we’ve seen in other logistics companies. Then we show how the time and money can be created.

Value Added Logistics examples

Delivery reliability is a good base of logistics services . But more is possible. By continually developing innovative solutionsThe following Value Added Logictics examples are intended to inspire less costs to compete and more value added logistics examplesadded value:

  1. night delivery
  2. construction depot supply
  3. inventory control and automatic client provisioning
  4. Cleanroom ( dust and grease supply of goods)
  5. packaging, labeling , labeling
  6. assembling, manufacturing
  7. screening , testing, quality value added logistics examples
  8. repairs
  9. shared warehouse (runned by more than 1 party, e.g. food supplier and retailer)

To develop new logistics solutions knowledge, skills and time must be available. Assuming that the knowledge and skills are available, “only” time has to be created. And that’s hard because logistics is often hectic.

We often find that logistics companies have hidden time . The following brief questionnaire which allows you to view your hidden time within your logistics organization.

This hidden time can be used to save money, but perhaps it is better to use this hidden time to develop value added logistics that allows you to serve your customers with better and more new logistics services.
Here are the questions and create your own custom Value Added Logictics examples.